Targeted Probing of Memory Networks for Knowledge Base Construction Targeted Probing of Memory Networks for Knowledge Base Construction

Sujit Pal (Inventor), Ron Daniel (Inventor), Paul Groth (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A system to maintain a knowledge base including a device to: (i) generate a first interface to: receive a query for transmission to a question-answer system and provide a response including one or more proposed triple in a list, (ii) after selection of a particular triple, generate a second interface to: provide at least one evidence record including a span of text in support of the particular triple, and provide one or more control element associated with each evidence record including at least one of: a first control element selectable to cite its corresponding evidence record and span of text as supporting the particular triple, or a second control element selectable to prevent its corresponding evidence record and span of text from being cited as supporting the particular triple, and (iii) generate a data structure, based on selections of the one or more control element, to update the knowledge base.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number63/010359
StatePublished - Apr 14 2021


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