Force 2017 Research Communication and e-Scholarship Conference

Mario Malički

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The FORCE2017 Research Communication and e-¬Scholarship Conference brings together a diverse group of people interested in changing the way in which scholarly and scientific information is communicated and shared. The goal is to maximize efficiency and accessibility. The conference is non¬traditional, with all stakeholders coming to the table for open discussion on an even playing field in support of innovation and coordination across perspectives. The conference is intended to create new partnerships and collaborations and support implementation of ideas generated at the conference and subsequent working groups. The conference consists of approximately 300 scientists, publishers, librarians, computer scientists, informaticians, funders, educators, citizens, patients, and more ¬ from all sectors of the scholarly landscape.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Oct 1 2017


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