Open Access, Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Science in Poland 2019



Data from a survey on attitudes and perceptions of librarians & researchers about Open Access, Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Science in Poland, collected in Q4 2019. Three files are provided - report on quantitative survey results, all responses in Polish, and all responses translated into English without the replies in open fields. It was collected via an online survey, targeted to approx. 7,500 Polish authors/researchers randomly selected from Scopus database and to approx. 800 librarians from Elsevier contact database. 461 responses in total representing a margin of error of ±4% at 90% confidence levels. This represent a response rate of ±6%. The data collection lasted for 1 week 29th Oct’19 to 5th Nov’ 19 with a survey reminder sent in between. Survey was designed in Polish. Notable findings:
Librarians and researchers show a good understanding of Open Access. Nearly half of researchers have experienced publishing in a Gold OA journal.
The publishing experience with Gold OA is positive. Value for money and reputation are the only aspects researchers rate Gold OA worse than subscription journals. Cost is the main reason for researchers not to publish in Gold OA journals. Researchers use mainly personal computers/clouds/drives to archive their research data and share it mainly within their project team. One third of libraries would benefit from obtaining more information about RDM in order to be able to support researchers. Most librarians and researchers consider their institution approach to RDM as (very) disorganised. Librarians are more knowledgeable about the concept than Researchers. Most libraries are currently supporting Open Science. Yet, the majority of researchers are not aware of the initiatives/ practices available in their institution. Librarians and researchers agree – Libraries are (very) important in the future of Open Science in Poland.
Date made available2019
PublisherMendeley Data

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