What you don’t know about Research4Life



    Research4Life provides lower-income countries with free or low-cost access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content online. In this way, the organization has been enhanceing the scholarship, teaching and research of thousands of students, faculty and scientists in the developing world.

    The public-private partnership was formed 18 years ago as a collaboration between the World Health Organization and six publishers, with Elsevier among its founders. Now, the partnership is as diverse and thriving as ever: more than 200 partners have joined, along with the Yale and Cornell university libraries and four UN agencies (FAO, WIPO, UNEP and ILO) – working together towards the common goal of providing access to research in 120 developing countries.


    Research4Life Partnership

    PeriodSep 3 2019

    Media contributions


    Media contributions

    • TitleWhat you don’t know about Research4Life
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletElsevier Connect
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionResearch4Life provides lower-income countries with free or low-cost access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content online. In this way, the organization has been enhanceing the scholarship, teaching and research of thousands of students, faculty and scientists in the developing world.
      Producer/AuthorDomiziana Francescon